Ben lives in Metro Detroit and is the co-founder of Birdhouse, an Internet company bringing awesome web technology to the Autism community. His professional background is in e-commerce and community engagement, and he turned to his passion for web and mobile technology to create a system for his partner--whose daughter has Autism--to better organize the overwhelming task of managing intervention.
Help Me Build the Best Autism Management Tool Possible!
Guest Post by Ben Chutz It is amazing how many apps are geared for children on Apple’s iTunes store and across the Internet. Autism apps could be a category in itself Innovative websites and social networks geared towards children and teens with Autism are just now coming on to the scene.But what about the parents?
Are there tools available to parents throughout this unique and challenging journey? I have observed the daily handwritten records my partner keeps on her daughter, who has ASD. Thinking there must be a better way I started looking for other solutions that would help track her daily routine, diet, health and more. After combing the Internet and speaking with a number of parents about how they record their kids’ daily activities, I discovered the answer to my question above: In short, not much is out there. So we started thinking big. We have an ambitious goal-- to build the most helpful Autism management tool for the purposes of making your life easier and your child’s life better. We’ve spent a great deal of brainpower conceptualizing what this would look like, and we’re bringing it to fruition.
Be our partner
Now we’d like to ask you to be a part of it. Completing the survey below (8 questions ~ 5 Minutes) will help us build a tool that allows you to figure out what’s working and what isn't working in your individual approach to ensuring your child’s progress and well-being. In exchange for your participation in this survey you’ll be invited to be among the very first to begin using it. Let’s work together to create something great. Thank you in advance for your help!