Opinion, Resources
Wheelchair rugby is intensely physical and is played in specially modified wheelchairs[/caption]
People with visual impairments play soccer with a ball full of ball bearings to be heard by players[/caption]
People with visual impairments have their own soccer leagues and many have a talent for the arts. People with hearing impairments have their very own language, American Sign Language! And, that’s only the beginning!
How to Answer: Why are You in a Wheelchair?
“Why are you in a wheelchair?” It is a question I get asked, in every style and manner one could think of, by children from every background, almost every time I am in a public place. I have also been asked some form of that question by children of varying levels of ability to understand the answer. Recently, while meeting kids participating in the Social Skills Camp at Friendship Circle, I was confronted by nearly half a dozen campers over the course of an hour that were curious to know “What’s wrong with you?” I was diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy (called Friedreich’s Ataxia) when I was 12 years old and still walking (albeit not well, more like I’d been spun on the merry-go-round one too many times). I started using the wheelchair part-time when I was 14 and my progressive disease took over from there, by 20 I was in a wheelchair full-time and at 26, I can no longer step or stand. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with me (no more so than there is with anyone else). But, I certainly won’t say all this to a child. So how should one answer “Why is that person in a wheelchair?” or “What is wrong with them?” to a child with special needs.1. Encourage questions
So often I see parents shush their child or scold them when they verbalize a natural curiosity with regards to a physical disability. This holds true for all children, regardless of age or ability. Parents: Encourage the questions that you can answer in a positive way. Example: “Their body is made differently than ours, and they use the wheelchair to get around. There isn’t anything wrong with being different, it’s actually pretty cool!” Some children with special needs will want further information, where some will quickly move on to something else. The point here is to not create a taboo about being different. Chances are a child with an intellectual or developmental disability will be told, to their face, that there is something wrong with them (especially because their disability is not visible). Having it reinforced that different doesn’t equal wrong, is an important step in securing self-esteem. [caption id="attachment_8373" align="alignright" width="300"]
2. Talk It Up
For the child whose curiosity cannot be satisfied, use the opportunity to point out all the cool things people with that particular physical disability can do. People who use wheelchairs do almost every sport imaginable, from rugby to track, with the help of some pretty nifty equipment. [caption id="attachment_8381" align="alignright" width="300"]