Transitions are never easy for a child with special needs. Here are 9 tips that will help your child transition into a summer routine.
82 Days of summer vacation with no school or respite care is a scary feeling. Here is how writer Karen Wang gets through the long summer.
Summer is finally here! Warm days are ahead and your children will soon be looking to you to fill that time with fun activities.Here are some fantastic ideas for development of sensory processing and gross/fine motor skills.
The challenge of providing a structured and fun summer are weighing heavily on the minds of parents. To make you a little less worried Netbuddy has collected 19 tips from parents of children with special needs on who to get through the summer break.
The summer is a perfect time to model and teach life skills. Here are 10 summertime activities that introduce concepts in social skills, communication, organization, self-care and respect for self and others.
Isn't it ironic that June, July and August is called summer "vacation"? For most parents the summer is no walk in the park. In this post Karen Wang tells us what here summer plans will be.
Between June and September my kids have 82 days of summer vacation, and I’ve promised them something fun every single day. That means I need 82 fun summer activities for one child with a developmental disability and one child who refuses to participate in most activities. It’ll be a piece of cake, right?
“Summer learning loss” or “the summer slide” is what teachers call the regression in skills which takes place in the time between the end of one school year and the beginning of the next. Here are 5 tips that will help your child retain knowledge.
Looking for some alternative activities for your child with special needs over the summer? Here are 14 fun science tools that can be used for some very creative activities.
Summertime brings loads of options for outdoor activities to fill those hot summer days and nights. Here are some great tips to expand your child's vocabulary while enjoying the summer.
For special educators the summer can be a very important time. Here are seven things every special educator must do to help get ready for the coming school year.
If you think that your child’s special needs will prevent him or her from participating in a summer camp, it’s time to think again. Here’s a run-down of the most popular camps for kids and adults with special needs.
Looking for some great special needs summer camps? Here are 19 more great summer camps you should know about!
Do you know of a resourceful summer article that will help special needs families? Post the link in the comment below.