Therapy Tips
Pacifiers – Use Them, Then Lose Them
Professionals warn against prolonged use of soothers Whether it’s your first child or your third child, a newborn brings complete joy as well as an onslaught of emotion and responsibility. Most likely you did some homework, reading up on the care of this precious little bundle. A pacifier or two is probably stuffed into the diaper bag along with all the other necessities. Not all infants take to the pacifier, some preferring their own thumbs, or the fingers of a parent, while others have no particular need for anything.Reasons to Use a Pacifier in Early Months
- Studies have shown use reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
- Pacifiers can help babies soothe themselves, and they satisfy the suck reflex.
- When you are ready to wean the child, it’s easier to wean from a pacifier than his or her own thumb.