What is ADHD? Nine Websites that explain Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Diagnosing ADHD can be tough and once a diagnosis is discovered, the next steps are crucial. For this reason we have compiled an eight part series on ADD/ADHD. Over the next seven weeks we will be providing you with over 100 ADD/ADHD resources in a series of weekly blog posts.The ADD/ADHD Resource Series
- What is ADHD? Nine Websites that explain Attention (Hyperactivity) Deficit Disorder
- Seven Organizations that provide support for individuals with ADD/ADHD
- 10 ADD/ADHD Blogs and Forums you should follow
- 20 ADD/ADHD Books and Videos you should read and watch
- 10 Recreational Programs, Camps and Schools for children with ADD/ADHD
- 10 Toy Stores that provide great activities for Children with ADD/ADHD
- 30 ADD/ADHD Resources you should follow on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more!
- 20 APPS that can help individuals with ADD/ADHD