Jewish, Products
A set of 10-plush Passover finger puppets. A fun and educational way to involve children in the Passover experience with a puppet for each of the 10-plagues: blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, cattle, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and first born.
Price: $13.08
Passover masks can be used when reenacting the stories of the plagues. Each mask represents the one of the 10 plagues as explained in the Book of Exodus. Includes 10 masks made of heavyweight paper for each of the 10-plagues: blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, cattle, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and first born.
Price: $10
The Soft Seder Set is a great way for children to learn about and practice for the seder.
The set Includes: 1 Soft Seder plate, 1 Soft Egg, 1 Soft Shank Bone, 1 Soft Maror, 1 Soft Apple for Charoset,1 Soft Potato for Karpas, 1 Soft Lettuce for Chazeret, 1 Soft Wine Cup, 3 Soft Matzahs.
Price: $24.50
'The Game of Four' is an entertaining children's card game designed to teach children about the Seder in a fun and informative way. This game brings out one of the central motifs of the Seder - the recurring theme of the number four. The game is similar to the popular game, Go Fish, and includes 10 sets of 4 cards, for a total of 40 cards. Each set of cards features a different category of items related to the Seder, such as the Four Sons, the Four Cups of Wine and the Ma Nishtana (the Four Questions).
Price: $10
This Passover Set helps children learn about this important tradition in a hands-on manner that is sure to hold their interest. Features include:
Passover Seder Steps keeps your kids engaged, while teaching them about the steps of the Seder. Enjoy Passover Seder Steps Follow-Along before the Seder or during the Seder. Great Passover game for your family or your Sunday school class. The seder steps
Comes with 5 boards and 5 game pawns and is a perfect add-on to your Passover Haggadah.
Price: $9.73
The Passover bag of plagues gives your child the chance to learn about the 10 Plagues. Packaged in a zippered mesh bag. the bag of plagues include:
• 1 red disc for BLOOD
• 1 frog for FROGS
• 1 small black bug for LICE
• 1 lion finger puppet for WILD ANIMALS
• 1 cow mask for CATTLE PLAGUE
• 1 sticky hand with white dots for BOILS
• 1 plastic ice cube with red crystals for HAIL
• 1 large green locust for LOCUSTS
• 1 pair of sunglasses for DARKNESS
• 1 - 12 pc. puzzle for DEATH OF FIRSTBORN
Price: $16.36
Keeps the kids entertained during Passover. This plush yellow plagues bag contains representations for all of the plagues The frog, lice, cow and locust wriggle and roll their eyes, quiver, buzz and move when you pull their string and are apx 4.5" long.
Price: $28.99
The Plagues Bag is a burlap sack that includes two plastic hand puppets of Moses and Pharaoh, an instruction card detailing how to use the Bag and outlining the nature of the reference to the plagues in the haggadah, and interactive toy representations of each of the ten plagues. Examples are special sunglasses for the plague of darkness, a flipping frog, finger puppets for wild beasts, styrofoam balls for hail and a floppy cow for cattle disease.
Price: $12.99
This activity set is a great learning and preparation tool for before Passover. A collection of coloring pages, games and crafts to engage kids in the Passover festivities.
Price: $8.99
Gateways mission is to provide access to Jewish Education for children with special needs in the greater Boston area.
Gateways provides some great online resources for Passover including versions of the Passover story (including in boardmaker symbols), visual supports for Passover, Passover songs with visual supports, and much more!
Visit their Passover Resource Section
Do you have a child, family member or friend who is on a gluten-free diet? If the answer is yes then this post is for you. Find out where you can purchase gluten-free oat Matzah for Passover plus check out three great cookbooks that offer up some great gluten-free dishes.
Read the post here.
Many children with special needs can’t sit by the dinner table for more than 5 minutes. Can you imagine a lengthy Passover Seder? This blog post provides tips that will keep a child with special needs engaged in the seder experience.
Read The Post Here.
Designed for children of all ages and abilities. Passover For Kids is a great site created by chabad.org. The site is full of activities for every child and features interactive games, video, audio and much more to teach, engage and entertain child about the festival of Passover.
Visit the Passover For Kids site.
Wishing you a happy Passover!
10 Passover Toys for your child with Special Needs
The Holiday of Passover is fast approaching and many are making preparations and plans for their seder, One of the core components of the Passover Seder is involving your children and making sure they are active participants. For a special needs family, keeping a child engaged throughout the Seder is pretty challenging! To make things a bit easier we have compiled a list of passover toys that will make them an active participant. Have a great Passover Toy? Tell us about it in the comments below.
1. Plush Passover Finger Puppets
A set of 10-plush Passover finger puppets. A fun and educational way to involve children in the Passover experience with a puppet for each of the 10-plagues: blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, cattle, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and first born.
Price: $13.08
2. Passover Plague Masks
Passover masks can be used when reenacting the stories of the plagues. Each mask represents the one of the 10 plagues as explained in the Book of Exodus. Includes 10 masks made of heavyweight paper for each of the 10-plagues: blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, cattle, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and first born.
Price: $10
3. My Deluxe Soft Seder Set

4. The Game of Four

5. KidKraft Passover Set
This Passover Set helps children learn about this important tradition in a hands-on manner that is sure to hold their interest. Features include:
- Seder plate and Goblet
- Bottle of wine
- Prayer book
- Afikomen and matza covers
- Made of wood
6. Passover Seder Steps Follow-Along

7. Passover Bag of Plagues

8. Ten Plush Passover Plagues Representations
Keeps the kids entertained during Passover. This plush yellow plagues bag contains representations for all of the plagues The frog, lice, cow and locust wriggle and roll their eyes, quiver, buzz and move when you pull their string and are apx 4.5" long.
Price: $28.99
9. Authentic Plagues Bag in Burlap Bag

10. Passover Activity Set
This activity set is a great learning and preparation tool for before Passover. A collection of coloring pages, games and crafts to engage kids in the Passover festivities.
Price: $8.99
More Passover Resources
Gateways mission is to provide access to Jewish Education for children with special needs in the greater Boston area.
Gateways provides some great online resources for Passover including versions of the Passover story (including in boardmaker symbols), visual supports for Passover, Passover songs with visual supports, and much more!
Visit their Passover Resource Section
Gluten Free Matzah & Recipes
Do you have a child, family member or friend who is on a gluten-free diet? If the answer is yes then this post is for you. Find out where you can purchase gluten-free oat Matzah for Passover plus check out three great cookbooks that offer up some great gluten-free dishes.
Read the post here.
Tips for a Sensory Friendly Passover Seder
Many children with special needs can’t sit by the dinner table for more than 5 minutes. Can you imagine a lengthy Passover Seder? This blog post provides tips that will keep a child with special needs engaged in the seder experience.
Read The Post Here.
Passover Website For Kids!