13 Viral Special Needs Parenting Posts You Need to Read!
Recently, this blog published post number 1,000! There are currently over 1,000 blog posts providing tips, resources, product information and much more to the special needs community. In commemoration of this milestone we will be sharing our most viral blog posts (divided by category) over the next several weeks. Enjoy! Over the last four years this blog has posted hundreds of parenting articles providing important resources, opinions, tips and humor to parents of children with special needs. Today we present 13 of our most popular parenting posts.1. 15 Reasons Why Its Hard To Get Along With Special Needs Parents

2. The Ultimate Multi-Tasker: 89 Things Special Needs Moms are Always Doing
One of the most amazing things about being a special needs parent is realizing that you’re capable of doing many things at once. While many of us thought that we were multi-taskers before, we learn quickly that we weren't coming close to our ability to get things done. Here are 89 things that special needs moms are always doing.
3. 10 FREE Gifts Parents Of Kids With Special Needs Should Give Themselves

4. 5 Ways to Stay Sane Managing Your Child’s Insane Special Needs Schedule

5. 17 Ways Special Needs Parents Can Strengthen Their Relationship
When you’re the parent of a child – or adult – with special needs, keeping a relationship strong can be difficult at times. Having a child with a disability or chronic illness can put a significant strain on your partnership. Here are 17 crucial tips to strengthening your relationship.
6. 10 hurtful comments from relatives about your child with special needs
One of the painful parts of parenting a child with special needs is dealing with comments and questions from concerned family members. Here are some real-life quotes along with some suggestions to soften the dialogue for more constructive purposes.
7. 20 Special Needs Parenting Tips For Sticky Situations
As the mother of a child with special needs, I often find myself in sticky situations. The solution is always to maintain a healthy sense of humor. Here are 20 parenting lessons that my friends and I have learned the hard way – there’s a long story behind every one of these.
8. 10 Reasons Special Needs Parents Should Join a Support Group
As a parent to a child with special needs one of the best things you can do for yourself and your child is to join a support group. Support groups can be rich in information that can be helpful for you while raising a child with special needs. Here are 10 reasons to consider for joining a support group:
9. 10 Ways To Give Attention To A Sibling Of A Child With Special Needs

10. How To Discuss Puberty with Your Child who has Special Needs
It’s not easy to talk to any child about how our bodies change during puberty. But how can it be explained to a child with special needs who may or may not understand? Here is a step-by-step approach to discussing the physical and emotional changes ahead.
11. STRESS: The 20 Things I Need to Remember Every Single Second for my Child With Special Needs

12. When Your Child With Special Needs is Banned From A Relative’s Home

13. The Top 10 Special Needs Events in the Caregiver Olympics
Caregiving around the clock is a high-stress job, requiring intense emotional and physical strength. On some days I feel like I just completed a triathlon and capped it off with a freestyle ski jump. That begs the question: what would be the main events in the Caregiver Olympics?