Parenting, Products
Website: http://abiliteeadaptivewear.com/
About: Founded by a pediatric surgeon. “Julie constantly hears from parents how hard it is to comfortably dress their children, especially when their child is disabled, or when parents need to access diapers, feeding tubes, catheters, ostomies, or ports throughout the day. In an effort to expand her care for these families beyond the hospital, Julie decided to create a line of adaptive clothing and accessories directly inspired by her patients.”
Products include: short- and long-sleeve onesies, leggings, and G-tube pads for babies; short-, long-, and no-sleeve onesies, baseball tees, leggings, and G-tube pads for kids
Website: http://www.benik.com/
About: “With an average of more than 10 years of experience per employee, Benik’s creative, knowledgeable and qualified staff provides our customers with an invaluable resource to meet their patients’ needs and make concepts a reality. Our close work with equally creative medical professionals results in the creation of unique, problem-solving products; many designed on a one-time basis for a single patient.”
Products include: G-Tube Protective Belt
Website: http://old.bundiebaby.com/index.html
About: Founded by a foster parent for medically fragile infants. “One of our babies was old enough to pull out his tubing. The baby’s discomfort along with tubing reinsertion several times a day were frustrating. It prompted me to look for clothing options that would assist me with daily living, but I found none. With experience in fashion design, I started creating outfits that safely and securely stored medical devices and tubing. Working with doctors, nurses, therapists and parents, the designs were refined. Our flagship garment, the Bundie, was born. This new outfit gave me the peace of mind I was looking for while providing quality care for the babies.”
Products: onesie, wrap, belt, wedge cover, and bunny
Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Feediefriends
About: “I am a stay at home mom who LOVES to sew. I like making kids smile and creating new, fun, creative ways to make not such fun things (like feeding tubes) fun and playful.”
Products include: feeding tube backpacks, feeding bag holders
Website: http://www.happyfaceapparel.org/hfa/
About: Founded by a nurse and mom of a child with special needs. “My constant anxiety about my son being inappropriately undressed and concern for the medical ramifications of being without a feeding tube for too long – or if I would even be able to find it once he pulled it out, prompted me to design a garment just for him. When it worked for him (and me), I knew other families who were struggling the way I was would benefit too.”
Products include: apparel with feeding tube access and feeding tube protection, HFA drainage circles
Website: http://www.kidshopechest.com/
About: “We strive to provide a fun and safe alternative to traditional retention tape and dressings. Feeding Friends are offered in many US pediatric hospitals, ask your local hospital if Feeding Friends are available to you.”
Products include: Feeding Friends stickers, G-tube button pads
Website: https://www.kozieclothes.com/
About: Company founded by a pediatric occupational therapist. “KozieClothes is committed to serving the unique need for stylish, fun, high qualityand therapeutic clothing and products for the Pediatric Special Needs community. ... The technology and therapeutic principals incorporated into each design, provides proprioceptive and tactile sensory input, comforting children with highly sensitive nervous systems. In addition, Kozie Clothes has developed product solutions designed for newborns and preemies and children undergoing serious medical attention, providing easier ways for guardians and medical staff to care for them.”
Products: G-tube pads, short and long bodysuits
Website: http://lbp-concepts.myshopify.com/
About: “Each shirt mimics ‘regular’ clothing, but allows for key access points in order to safely and efficiently administer treatments. The line is endorsed by healthcare professionals at some of our country’s leading medical facilities. Children living with chronic illness are some of the bravest people we know. We’re on a mission to make their lives - and the lives of those who love and care for them - a little bit easier.”
Products: onesies and shirts
Website: https://queenieandcompany.co.uk/shop/
About: “Queenie, Godfrey and Co. is the brainchild of Jane Botham. Having been invited to join the charity Cure Rett as a professional advisor, it became apparent that there wahigh-quality clothing specifically designed for feeding tube users, wheelchair users, back brace and splint wearers. It has taken many months, lots of prototypes and lots of testing by dedicated mums and children, to come up with suitable designs. The result is this website and the clothes on it. I hope you will join us for the journey.”
Products include: G-tube accessible dress, G-tube friendly T-shirt, Bundles with shirt and dress
Website: https://www.starberrykids.com/
About: Started by the mother of a child born with a heart disorder that required open heart surgery. “Of the many disabilities Josh now faces, one is that he can no longer feed by mouth. This presents enormous challenges. One of the trivialities of this disability is his limited clothing options. I was determined that my disabled son would be dressed just as beautifully as his siblings.”
Products: Feeding tube onesies in a variety of designs.
Website: https://taylorhartdesigns.com/
About: Taylor Byrom, a graduate from Kwantlen Polytechnic University Fashion Design and Technology degree program uses her personal experiences to fuel her passion to make things right. “I don’t believe that anyone who struggles with healthcare needs should have to worry about their clothes and when we’re talking about kids – they need to stand out for their personality and not their illness.”
Products: apparel for girls and boys, g-tube pads
Website: https://www.tubiewhoobies.com/
About: “Tubie Whoobies was created by Dave and Tiffany Brors in 2011 as a small business that was focused on making the lives of children with feeding tubes just a little bit better. Their daughter Genevieve had a feeding tube due to complications I can't even begin to explain or fathom. Genevieve's amazing story can be found at No Guts All Glory. Tiffany started making fleece pads for Genevieve's feeding tube and it flourished from there.” The business has since been taken over by Ken and Ramona Ackerman.
Products: Fleece pads in a variety of shapes and designs
Website: http://www.tummytunnels.com/store
About: Founded by the parent of a baby with a g-tube. “I wanted my baby to be dressed nicely. I didn’t want him to wear cut up clothing. Besides how could I cut holes in clothes I had just paid for? Knowing I was not the only parent faced with this dilemma, I was determined to find a better way. There had to be a solution for this clothing issue. We knew we needed a fast, cute, and more affordable solution than a new wardrobe. And so Tummy Tunnels was born.”
Products: Cute patches with a hole in the middle where you can cut through clothing to allow g-tube to go through.
Website: https://wonsie.com.au/
About: “Wonsie specialises in bodysuits for toddlers, older children, teenagers and small to medium adults. The sizes of our Wonsies start where most brands finish. ... Designed an developed by us, our Tummy Access Wonsie, are perfect for anyone who is tube fed, use a catheter or has medication administered via the abdominal region. They feature a soft and discreet opening which can be opened or closed.”
Products include: “tummy access” bodysuits — with long, short or no sleeves — in sizes 2 to 14.
Website: http://www.zayazinc.com/
About: Founded to honor the wish of a boy fighting cancer to “wear his own pajamas during hospital stays. With the placement of a feeding tube, PICC Line and Hickman Catheter, bulky pajamas became very cumbersome. One evening Isaiah told his mom, ‘I don't feel normal anymore.’ Heart-broken, Christine lay awake that night brainstorming ways to help him feel more normal with all his new tubies. The idea to make adaptable pajamas came to mind and the following week Christine made her first prototype. Isaiah loved them! All his tubies finally had a spot! The jammies quickly took on Isaiah's nickname, Zaya (zay-yah) since they were made especially for him.”
Products: Jammies
15 Companies Providing Clothing and Accessories for Children with Feeding Tubes
Image Credit SewKnotLoopy When your child needs a feeding tube, you have plenty of medical and logistical challenges to worry about. You shouldn't have to worry about what your child can wear on top of it. Yet typical clothes for tots keep covered up the very places you need access too. Fortunately, there are companies online that have taken up the challenge of creating cute clothes that allow feeding-tube access -- several founded by parents who couldn't find what they were looking for and so created it. Visit the sites listed here for this specialized apparel as well as kid-friendly g-tube accessories.1. Abilitees

2. Benik Corporation

3. Bundiebaby

4. Feediefriends

5. Happy Face Apparel

6. Kids Hope Chest

7. Kozie Clothes

8. Lotsa Brave People

9. Queenie, Godfrey and Company

10. StarberryKids Adaptive Bodysuits

11. Taylor Heart Designs

12. Tubiewhoobies

13. Tummy Tunnels

14. Wonsie

15. Zayaz Inc.