Medical Issues, Parenting
How to Keep Your Child with Food Allergies Safe Without Being "That Mom"
No parent wants to be known as a nag or a helicopter parent, or make others roll their eyes when they hear your name. Our new superintendent once referred to me as “Oh, that mom” when reminded that I was the mom of the boy who was given a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the second day of second grade (and the nurse didn't administer epinephrine). When our kids are little and on our hip, it’s easy to keep them safe and make sure they don’t grab things they shouldn’t. But what about toddlers? Or five-year-olds? Or tweens and teens? Last month, we talked about how to keep children living with food allergies safe when at picnics or BBQs. But we only touched on the best way to remind others of your child’s needs. Here are a few ways to keep your child safe without feeling like a nag or hover mother or "that mom" in any scenario:At Parties
Prior to attending, let the hostess know about your child’s allergies and ask what is being served. Making the hostess aware of your child’s allergies may keep allergens off the table in the first place. Either way, knowing the menu ahead of time allows you to have a safe option ready for your child. Dress your child for party success with a T-shirt or a removable tattoo designed to alert others to any allergies. This is a great way to remind others of your child’s restrictions without having to keep making announcements yourself.At Day Care
Visual reminders like stickers, medical alert bracelets, and clearly labeled snacks will remind those caring for your child of his or her allergens. If you drop your child off with a diaper bag each day, add a reminder to the bag as well. Having an allergy action plan you've created with your child’s allergist is also a must.At School
After my son was given that peanut butter and jelly sandwich in second grade, I knew something more than an allergy action plan needed to be in place. We decided to utilize a 504 plan, which protects students with disabilities. You can find sample 504 plans for food allergies on the Kids with Food Allergies site. Action plans and 504 plans are great, but schools still need reminders, as your child won’t be the only one with these plans. Meeting with the principal, school nurse, and teachers before the school year starts is a must. We also like to revisit our son’s 504 plan and action plan before the holiday season begins and toward the end of the school year as a gentle reminder, just in case a teacher is planning a party or activity that includes food. For parents who will be meeting with their child’s school in the upcoming weeks, here’s a great article from the Allergic Living site to help you prepare for that meeting: Prepare to Meet the School on Allergy Needs – In 10 Easy Steps.At Relatives’ Homes
This is probably where I feel I nag the most. I understand that when you don’t live with it day in and day out, it’s easy to forget. If we are traveling to visit, I usually let the host know that we will be bringing safe options for our son. That is usually the only reminder needed. There have been times when nut products have been brought out during our visit. Thankfully, a gentle reminder is all that is needed. If you have a family member or friend who just doesn’t “get” your child’s food allergies, food allergy advocate Gina Clowes has some suggestions in her article 7 Ways to Resolve Food Allergy Issues with Family and Friends on the Allergic Living site.Resources for Tweens and Teens
Tweens and teens won’t want Mom and Dad stepping in to advocate for them, right? We have to hope they've taken in all that we have modeled for them. Then they will be their own best advocates. Just in case, here are a couple of excellent resources:- 21 Resources for Teens With Food Allergies from Allergic Living
- Checklist for Teens & Tweens with Food Allergies from Allergic Child