Friendship Circle Logo
Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs

Friendship Circle Benefactors

We are grateful for the generous donors who make our programs possible.

Craig & Lainie Bauer
Mandell & Madeleine Berman
Louis C. and Edith Blumberg Foundation
Alene Landau, Graham Landau, and Larry Jackier
Judge Avern & Lois Cohn
James & Sandy Danto
Marvin and Betty Danto Family Foundation
William Davidson Foundation
Dr. Stanley & Lenore Dorfman
In Memory of Shay Ziff
Richard & Shauna Elias
Alex Fenkell
Morrie & Sybil Fenkell
Joseph & Frances Fetter
James & Nancy Grosfeld
Andy & Kristin Jacob
Joel E. Jacob & Family
The D. Dan and Betty Kahn Foundation
Alon & Shari Kaufman
Larry & Jackie Kraft
In Memory of Andrew Kukes
In Memory of Burton & Gerry Rissman
Cyndi and Mike Stone and Family, Kathy Lowenthal and Family, Pam Farber and Family, and Vicky Fingeroot and Family
Craig & Randy Rubin
Gary & Lisa Shiffman
Sam & Carole Sobel
The Stone Foundation
Marcy Klien, Mitchell Schwartz, and Stacy Schaeffler
Alfred Taubman
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation (Baltimore Maryland)
Yellen Family
Jennifer Adderley
Gary & Susan August
Howard & Lili Babcock
Mike & Lindsey Barnett
In Honor of Holly J. Barnett
Jim Barnett & Paula Milgrom
Guy & Nora Barron
Elliott Baum & Family
Aaron F. Belen
Susan & Sam Bernstein
Mark Bernstein & Rachel Bendit
BEZTAK, Beznos, & Luptak Families
William & Holly Birndorf
David & Michelle Carroll
Joseph Craine
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
Bob & Joan Epstein
David & Nanci Farber
Jeffrey & Jennifer Farber
Lindsay & Jodi Gross
Brian Hanechak
Henry Ford Health
Ron & Susan Hodess
Huntington Bank
Steve & Katie Jacob
Robert & Katherine Jacobs
The Jewish Fund
In Memory of Dr. Bradley S. Kovan
Brooks Kushman PC
Thomas & Carla Labret
Irving & Beverly Laker
David & Stephane Lubin
Michigan Arts and Culture Council
MJS Packaging
In Memory of Lynn Morrow
Eugene & Ina Neugebohr
Ann Newman
In Honor of Shoshannah Newman
Lois & Larry Nichamin
Norman & Susan Pappas
Milton & Sylvia Pierce Foundation
David & Melanee Radner
Ron Ross & Alice Brody
Eli & Michele Saulson
In Memory of Laela Miller Saulson
Robin & Howard Schwartz
Seligman Family Foundation
Jane & Larry Sherman
Jeffrey & Laura Sobel
Stanley L. and Phyllis Berger Family Foundation
Alvin & Henrietta Weisberg
Neil & Stacy Weissman
Jack & Charlene Wolfe
Burton A. Zipser and Sandra D. Zipser Foundation
In Memory of Paulette Abraham
Brian & Annette Adelman
Jerry & Gail Beale
The Bear Hug Foundation
Alfred Berkowitz Foundation
The Honorable Richard Bernstein
Barbara & Harold Beznos
Marvin & Lauren Daitch
Eagles for Children
Milton Einstandig
Fred & Miriam Ferber
David & Jennifer Fischer
Marc Gardner
Leo, Betty, and Lisa Goldstein Family Foundation
In Memory of Delores Gross
John & Rita Haddow
David & Doreen Hermelin
Ed & Julie Hersch
Impact100 Oakland County
Larry & Eleanor Jackier
Leibowitz Family
Erwin & Vivian Lieberman
In Memory of William Liberson
Michigan Elks Association
Michigan Institute for Neurological Disorders
Bernie & Muriel Moray
Bill & Natalie Newman
Dr. Louis & Wendy Nichamin
Rogers Family Foundation
Stevan & Heather Rosenberg
Schostak Family
Sinai Medical Staff Foundation
Anthony Soave
Dr. Robert Stein & Susan Moray
Laurence S. Tisdale
Steven & Lori Weisberg
Lori & Alan Zekelman
The Adler & Levran Families
Applebaum Family Philanthropy
Hadas & Dennis Bernard
Sam & Lauren Bienenstock
Harold & Penny Blumenstein
Sam & Arleen Blumenstein
Marc & Michele Borovoy
In Memory of Dr. Mathew Borovoy
Dina & Herman Brodsky
Mark & Joy Cantor
Greg & Judi Coursen
Graham & Laura Eddleston
In Memory of Dr. Jeffrey S. Farkas
David & Susan Feber
Jay Feldman
David Flaisher Household
Jack & Amy Folbe
Francee Ford
Steve Friedman In Memory of Obbie Friedman & Cindy Friedman
David & Terri Friedman
Alan Gallatin
Dan & Jennifer Gilbert
Gilbert Family Foundation
Michael & Naomi Glickfeld
Gumenick Family
Mark & Jeanette Hauser
In Memory of Pearl Hauser
Harvey & Ronna Heller
Michael & Barbara Horowitz
Andrea & David Jacobson, Danielle, Jenna, Lillian, & Jack
Howard & Lilly Jacobson
Kahan Family
Gary Karp
David Katzman
Steven & Elizabeth Katzman Family
Patti Kelter & Marc Cohen
Bernard & Linda Kole
Dr. Richard & Sally Krugel
Bill & Liz LaKritz
Lee & Maxine Peck Foundation
Hannan & Lisa Lis
In Memory of Jerry Lubin
Michael & Donna Maddin
Marjorie and Maxwell Jospey Foundation
Michael & Ann Matthews
Brian & Lisa Meer
Mildred & Leslie Moss
Linden & Michelle Nelson
David & Lynne Newman
In Memory of Bernard Oberlander
Minoti & Hermant Rajput
Stuart & Joyce Robbins
Todd & Jacqueline Rones
Todd & Karen Sachse
Henry & Monica Sasson and Family
James & Sally Scapa
Eli Scherr
Serra Family Foundation
Bruce & Denise Seyburn
Stephen & Samantha Shaya
Mendal & Sarah Shemtov
Jack & Mairiam Shenkman
Bob & Janet Sher
Elizabeth & Aaron Sherbin
Eugene & Julie Sherizen
Robert & Lori Silverstein
In Honor of Leo & Libby Sklar
Gary & Francine Snyder
Alan & Dona Stillman
Edward Barry Stulberg
Patrick & Kathryn Tooman
Tevi & Kami Troy
Vibe Credit Union
The Victor Family
Lenny Weiss
Dan & Michelle Weiss
In Memory of Jeffrey Yellen
Carol & Gene Zamler
Paul, Colleen, Brian, & Jaime Ziegler