Friendship Circle is founded with eight volunteers meeting four families in their homes every week.

Friendship Circle rents its first location to utilize and grow programs.

May 2005
Friendship Circle gets a home of its own with the Ferber Kaufman LifeTown facility on the Meer Family Friendship Center.

October 2005
Friendship Circle officially opens The Daniel B. Sobel Friendship House.

Friendship Circle hosts its first Walk4Friendship - an annual tradition that continues to this day.

Friendship Circle receives the generous gift of the Florene Elkus and Edward Elkus Memorial Gymnasium.

Friendship Circle launches the annual Great Bike Giveaway - to give the gift of accessible bikes to kids with special needs.

Friendship Circle starts the UMatter Teen Mental Health Programming.

Friendship Circle's Farber Center: The Dresner Foundation Soul Studio and the Soul Café are inaugurated. This established Friendship Circle's vocational training programs for adults with special needs.

October 2020
Friendship Circle purchases Dakota Bread Company to extend the vocational training program and provide more job opportunities to adults with special needs.

June 2020
Friendship Circle launches the very successful Rubin Family Summer Day Camp, as well as four weeks of overnight camp at North Star Reach for children with special needs.

Friendship Circle extends the vocational training program for adults with special needs into Pawz Café in Commerce Township, Mi.

Partners& Supporters
Friendship Circle is grateful for the companies and organizations that make our programs possible.