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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs
Tzvi Schectman

Special Needs Support on Twitter: 5 people to follow

Twitter has become many things to many people. People use it as the main source of communication between themselves or others.  Some use it to market their products to the world. Companies use it for to respond as a customer service tool to respond to complaints. When it comes to special needs twitter has turned into a global support group providing support and sources of information to families with special needs. Once a month we highlight five people who provide great resources and support to those with special needs. You can check them out below. You can also check out Friendship Circle on Twitter for great resources and articles dealing with special needs issues. @ParentingSPD Hartley Steiner Author, blogger, mom, advocate: Raising 3 boys, dealing with SPD, Autism, Bipolar, Adoption, Marriage & LIFE; trying to keep my sanity and sense of humor. Tweeting From: Washington @mamatude Terri Mauro guide to Parenting Special Needs and author of 50 Ways to Support Your Child's Special Education Tweeting From: New Jersey @johnwquinn John W. Quinn Motivational Speaker/Author of the powerful memoir Someone Like Me-An Unlikely Story of Challenge and Triumph Over Cerebral Palsy. Tweeting From: Tucson, Arizona @comicmama Lea Positive parent of 4,3 with Autism. I love life,kids,DH News and music, blip fm ,crafts and piano. Tweeting From: Canada @SNAPPIN_MIN Barb  Dittrich Leading parents of children with a special need to THE place of hope! Tweeting From: Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

WRITTEN ON January 01, 2014 BY:

Tzvi Schectman

Tzvi Schectman is the Family Coordinator for the Friendship Circle of Michigan and the Editor of the the Friendship Circle Blog. You can connect with Tzvi on LinkedIn and Google+