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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs
Tzvi Schectman
Parenting, Videos

Parenting Advice From Total Strangers [Video]

Have you ever been told by a stranger how to discipline your child with autism, what to feed him and of course how to cure him? You try to explain to him or her how autism works but no explanation is good enough because their cousin or favorites celebrity's child was "cured from autism" with some miraculous new (Insert the cure of your choice) Therapy, Diet, Body Cleansing, Medication, Cream, Shamans or Incantations. Check out this animated video below. Do you agree with the video's premise?

WRITTEN ON January 01, 2014 BY:

Tzvi Schectman

Tzvi Schectman is the Family Coordinator for the Friendship Circle of Michigan and the Editor of the the Friendship Circle Blog. You can connect with Tzvi on LinkedIn and Google+