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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs

World Autism Awareness Day: Do you dare to be aware?

Tomorrow, April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day.  Although some of us live with Autism everyday, most people have difficulty understanding what living with Autism really means. Since children with autism often physically look like other kids, it can be like having an invisible disability.

Why is awareness so important?

People tend to be afraid of what they don’t understand.  Awareness has the power to change people's attitudes from "Ugh, I can't believe that kid is behaving so badly" to "is there anything I can do to help?"  This is why parents, educators, family and friends of kids with autism need to share their stories with their community.

Take a walk in someone else's shoes

Delia Lila MarloweMy oldest daughter has Autism, and my experiences and challenges raising a child with autism inspired me to write the song "Take a Walk in Someone Else's Shoes" by the Swingset Mamas. Watch this video and discuss it with your family.  Imagine if you "had something to say and the words wouldn't come out?"  How can you “Understand another Point of view”, or “See what someone else is going through”. This video spreads the powerful message of acceptance and inclusion of all people.

"If you've met one kid with autism, then you've met one kid with autism."

Video Talk a walkEach person with autism is unique with their own challenges ranging from no speech or communication with extreme behaviors, to highly verbal and difficulty with social language and situations. The one thing that ALL people have in common is that everyone wants to be loved, accepted and included.  Don’t be afraid of Autism.  Dare to be aware, and embrace a child or family with Autism today.

WRITTEN ON December 29, 2013 BY:


Marlowe Bechmann is a enthusastic Friendship Circle mom, and she is also a musician in an award-winning family music band called the Swingset Mamas. She teaches music to self-contained autism classes at elementary and middle schools, and spreads the message of inclusion through Ability Awareness assemblies at schools across the country. Learn more at or