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Pure Friendship for Individuals with Special Needs

Special Needs Roundup: 7 News Stories and 6 Great Blog posts

Weekly Roundup

Every Sunday we select the big special needs stories and great blog post from special needs bloggers from the week before. This week we bring you seven news stories and six great blogs posts.

In The News

The Washington Post: Autism diagnosis is found to be more common in those who weighed least at birth

The Boston Globe: Autism and possible intellectual advantages

ABC News: A survey launched in Baltimore measures how bullying impacts autistic children

The Seattle Times: PC changed world of man with cerebral palsy

The Boston Globe: The truth about autism

Fox News: Autism or Asperger's? It Might Depend on Your Doctor

ESPN: Daughter gives Jets exec reason to run

BBC News: What is life like for a teenage prodigy?

From The Blogosphere

Carrie With Children Target’s New Ad and Down Syndrome

Squidalicious: Finding Balance: Obesity and Children with Special Needs

Hartley's Life With Three Boys: What Do You Do All Day?

Lost And Tired: How could someone help YOUR special needs family?

From the Friendship Circle Blog

For the visually impaired its The Sound Of Soccer [Video]

There’s a new technology helping people who are visually impaired participate in competitive sports; cameras track the movement and position of the players and the ball, and these images are turned into sound so players can hear the player and ball positions.

Explaining special needs to your child: 15 great children’s books

Mingy’s post includes a list of 15 books that will help you explain special needs to your child or child’s classroom. It also links to other special needs stories, movies, and documentaries.

9 Special Needs Organizations already on Google+

Have a Google+ account? Check out these nine special needs organizations—including Autism Speaks, The Friendship Circle International, and United Cerebral Palsy—and add them to your circle.

From The Today Show: Twins misdiagnosed with Cerebral Palsy

Doctors repeatedly diagnosed twins Noah and Alexis Beery as having Cerebral Palsy, but after reading an article in the L.A. Times talking about Dopa-responsive dystonia, the family realized that condition was a better fit to what the twins were experiencing. This post features a video from the Today Show and shares Noah and Alexis’ story.

5 Great Special Education Groups on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Groups bring together professionals with a common interest and offer an outlet to share resources and hold discussions regarding that topic. Over the next month, the Friendship Circle blog will be featuring some of the thousands of groups that are dedicated to special needs. This post’s focus: special education.

WRITTEN ON December 26, 2013 BY:


Annie is currently a junior journalism major at Michigan State University. She is an associate editor for ing Magazine, a student-run magazine on campus, and manages ing's Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr accounts.
Annie has spent her last three summers at camp working with children who have special needs.
When she is not on Twitter or blogging, she likes to dance, swim, and read as many books as humanly possible.