Jewish, Resources
Gateways mission is to provide access to Jewish Education for children with special needs in the greater Boston area.
Gateways provides some great online resources for Passover including versions of the Passover story (including in boardmaker symbols), visual supports for Passover, Passover songs with visual supports, and much more!
Visit their Passover Resource Section
Do you have a child, family member or friend who is on a gluten-free diet? If the answer is yes then this post is for you. Find out where you can purchase gluten-free oat Matzah for Passover plus check out three great cookbooks that offer up some great gluten-free dishes.
Read the post here.
Many children with special needs can't sit by the dinner table for more than 5 minutes. Can you imagine a lengthy Passover Seder? This blog post provides tips that will keep a child with special needs engaged in the seder experience.
Read The Post Here.
Designed for children of all ages and abilities. Passover For Kids is a great site created by chabad.org. The site is full of activities for every child and features interactive games, video, audio and much more to teach, engage and entertain child about the festival of Passover.
Visit the Passover For Kids site.
Wishing you a happy Passover!
Four Great Special Needs Resources for Passover
Passover is just two days away and the number one question on everyone's lips is: What are your Passover plans? For most the answer to that question will be replies of who they have invited to their seder, who they will be visiting on Passover, whats on the menu and so on. For a family with a special needs child the questions that they are trying to answer are more along the lines of: How will I keep my child still during the seder, what will my child eat, and what will he or she gain from attending a seder? To help you get some answers to your questions (after all Passover is all about questions) here are four great resources to help prepare you and your child with special needs for Passover.Gateways

Gluten Free Matzah & Recipes

Tips for a Sensory Friendly Passover Seder

Passover Website For Kids!