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There are different types and causes of face-blindness. Most of the published cases involve face-blindness that is acquired after a traumatic brain injury, brain tumor or onset of Alzheimer’s disease. In these cases, the affected individuals know that they were previously able to recognize faces, and it is often a shock to lose this ability.
Apperceptive Face-blindness
In apperceptive face-blindness, individuals do not understand how to interpret faces at all, and may be unable to say whether two faces are similar or different.
Associative Face-blindness
In associative face-blindness, individuals can usually say whether two faces are similar or different, and may even identify an acquaintance’s age or sex based on the face alone, but still can’t provide information such as name, occupation or when they last saw the person.
Developmental Face-blindness
Developmental face-blindness is a lifelong condition not caused by brain injury or disease. The affected person has no memory of being able to recognize faces. This type of face-blindness can run in families, and it is sometimes associated with nonverbal learning disorder and autism. Individuals with developmental face-blindness have difficulty with social skills, because everyone appears to be a stranger, and have trouble following the plots of movies and television shows, because all of the characters’ faces look the same. Children with face-blindness gravitate toward cartoons because each character wears a unique costume.
Neurologist Oliver Sacks, who has prosopagnosia, recalls being unable to identify his brothers and sometimes not recognizing his own face in the mirror. Author Heather Sellers writes in her memoir about greeting her boyfriend with a kiss, only to realize that she had just kissed a stranger. These adults and others point out that facial recognition cannot be taught - it is a conscious and unconscious process in the occipito-temporal lobe and fusiform gyrus of the human brain.
But other recognition strategies can partially compensate for the inability to recognize faces. For example, it is possible to recognize most people by their movements, their hair, their voices, their cars, their habits, their jewelry, their clothing or even their tattoos. Cataloging the facts about a person - “Aunt Maggie talks with a Texan accent and likes to wear purple” or “We always see Mrs. Cohen on Saturday morning” - can speed up the recognition process.
Another way to aid recognition is to stick with formal conversational etiquette. Start with introductions and use names often. Insert identifying features into the conversation such as, “I always wear the watch that my parents gave me for my college graduation” or “I’m usually the tallest person in the room.”
What Is Face-Blindness?
One day, I met the friend of a friend at an indoor play area, and we swapped stories of our sons’ diagnosis and therapies. The other mom was really struggling with her son’s recent diagnosis, and she was asking me some very pointed and personal questions about my son’s development, in the curious way that special needs parents sometimes befriend each other. At one point her son ran up to a stranger, started hugging her and signing for food.
“It happens all the time,” the boy's mother admitted. “He knows me by my shape, not by my face. When his grandmother babysits, she says he doesn’t even notice that I’m gone.” Without considering the emotional impact of my words, I blurted out, “Oh, does he have face-blindness?” My friend answered with surprise and sadness, “I don’t know.”Prosopagnosia
Everyone has occasional problems matching up faces and names. Face-blindness is the inability to recognize individual faces, even faces of close family members, or in severe cases, one’s own face. The medical term for face-blindness is prosopagnosia, a Greek word meaning “a lack of recognition of a face.” Cases of prosopagnosia have been documented since ancient times. It is one of the most common neurological impairments, affecting up to 2.5% of the general population.Types of Face-Blindness
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