This game is sure to combine fun and food to the dinnertime experience! This game just needs food and family to get started. Press the button on top and your next bite of food may be a vegetable or maybe you will have to tell about your most embarrassing moment of the day.
Price: $24.99
Zatswho lets you slip photos into a soft flexible frame that makes it easy to carry around while protecting the photo from little hands. Great to stash in luggage, backpacks or under a pillow. Children can learn about loved ones near and far with a caregiver or turn the frames over to learn shapes, matching or sequencing as children grow!
Price: $14.99
This arts and crafts project has been kicked up a notch with the My Friendship Bracelet Maker! The My Friendship Bracelet Maker holds up to 10 strings (and keeps them organized) for making intricate bracelets for the more advanced bracelet maker or the artist. Young fashion accessory designers can also use just 3 strings for a more traditional approach to making bracelets to share with their friends!
Price: $15-$30
Waboba or “water bouncing balls” are used for active play in knee deep to waist high water. Throwing a ball teaches kids the essentials of turn taking, and playing attention to others. All these elements are essential in healthy social exchanges. Each ball provides a different variation of water play to fit everyone’s needs- Extreme, Pro, Surf and Blast balls all amazingly bounce on water in a splash!
Price: $8.99-9.99