The Department of Defense (DoD) Special Needs Parent Tool Kit contains 110 pages of comprehensive information and tools geared towards helping military families with special needs children navigate the maze of medical and special education services, community support and benefits and entitlements.
Each module contains valuable resources and important facts; record keeping tools and sample letters have also been incorporated. The Tool Kit is divided into six colorful modules that can be easily downloaded and printed.
Operation Autism directly supports U.S. military families touched by autism and autism spectrum disorders. It serves as an introduction to autism, a guide for the life journey with autism, and a ready reference for available resources, services, and support.
American Military Families Autism Support is a grassroots effort started in 2008 by military families, for military families, providing news, information, contacts and options for military families dealing with autism spectrum disorder.
Due to the nature of military life and the challenges of autism, these families often experience additional stressors over non-military families.
Special Needs Families in the Military covers the basic challenges which all special needs families must face, and also pays special attention to those resources, programs, and aids available to special needs families in the military, where the added stresses of military life often make things seem overwhelming.
This book guides special needs families through all the procedures and protocol they must face, and offers helpful tips for setbacks and unexpected challenges that may arise. It is essential reading for military families with special needs children and those who work with them.
STOMP is the only National Parent Training and Information Center for military families providing support and advice to military parents without regard of the type of medical condition their child has.
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) works with military families with special needs to address their unique needs throughout the assignment process and after families have settled into their new installation. Use these resources, tools, and articles to learn more about EFMP and the families it serves.
Since 2010, ACTMF has helped many military children access effective treatments and quality of life supports which were previously unattainable.
The Military Special Needs Network believes that families often find their greatest support in other families who are in similar situations. Their Facebook page offers a place to find information, support, and services which can meet the individual needs of their families. In addition the Facebook page allows parents to share, laugh, and learn from each other.
Ms. Mommy HH6 is a blog for military and special needs moms. Topics covered on a rotating basis by Ms. MommyHH6 and guest bloggers are Cooking Simply, Cleaning & Laundry Tips, Organizing for Home & Life, Children’s Activities, Just for Mom, Special Needs Family Tips and Military Life “Simplified” and more.
This is a Pinterest board from the Big A Word that focuses on military families with a child with autism. There are over 40 pins that provided resources to special needs families in the military.
Did we miss a resource? Tell us in the comments below.
10 Resources for Special Needs Families in the Military
Family life in the military is no easy task. Spouses are gone for long periods of time, Children need to be raised, and there is constant worry about a spouse that is deployed. In addition to all this strain, some military families have the additional challenge of raising a child with special needs. Thankfully there are a number of resources available to help. Here are 10 resources and services for special needs families in the military.Resources For Families
1. Special Needs Parent Toolkit

2. Operation Autism

3. American Military Families Autism Support

4. Special Needs Families in the Military: A Resource Guide

Services For Families
5. STOMP - Specialized Training of Military Parents
STOMP is the only National Parent Training and Information Center for military families providing support and advice to military parents without regard of the type of medical condition their child has.
6. The Exceptional Family Member Program

7. Autism Care and Treatment for Military Families

Support on Social Networks
8. Military Special Needs Network - Facebook

9. Ms. MommyHH6- Blog

10. Autism, The Military - Pinterest