Humor, Opinion, Parenting
Not only is the sibling relationship affected, but parents usually have less time to spend with their typically-developing children. When the siblings reach adulthood, one sibling may be expected to take on increased responsibility as a caregiver.
There’s also a positive side to having a sibling with special needs. Recently I've been reading the hilarious Diary of a Wimpy Kid series with my younger son, who had no idea brothers could be cruel to each other like they are in the books.
I had to explain why and how a sibling would plan an elaborate, mean-spirited prank. I told him true stories about my own brothers, too. Now he’s starting to feel lucky to have an older brother with autism, who is generous to a fault and always appalled by the idea of hurting another living creature.
So what are the benefits of being the sibling of a child with special needs? Here are 20...so far.
20 Perks Of Having A Sibling With Special Needs
Siblings of children with special needs do not have it easy. Many are forced to grow up at a very young age. They learn about health and behavior issues, accompanying their families to endless medical and therapeutic appointments.
- He doesn’t know what a noogie is, and he doesn’t want to know.
- He says yes every time his brother asks him to share candy.
- Trampoline, giant yoga ball and slide in the living room.
- Recreation = therapy. That means a family swim every week and season passes to the zoo, science museum and Cedar Point.
- Cedar Point provides him with an autism pass, and certain other theme parks like Knoebel’s give him a wristband to skip all the lines with a family member.
- National Parks Access Pass.
- Pets are therapy, too!
- He has a strong work ethic and no concept of demeaning others for sport.
- They each get their own room because of sleep issues.
- Everyone remembers us everywhere we go.
- Mental map of every playground and public family bathroom within 15 miles.
- During homework time, mom doesn’t notice what the sibling is doing.
- Parents know when it’s time to drop everything and give full attention to the sibling.
- Alternate viewpoints are accepted and encouraged.
- The sibling is on the fast track to earning all of the Disability Awareness awards in scouting.
- On vacation, we say yes to every souvenir photo and roller coaster ride photo, because they help with forming autobiographical memory.
- Unlimited iPad time while mom talks to doctors and therapists.
- Big celebrations for little milestones.
- The house is fully stocked with art supplies, three types of play dough and materials for science experiments.
- Making a mess of shaving cream in the bathroom is encouraged.